====== Users list ====== **Users list** is the menu where you find all active and inactive users listed. \\ **The role** that a user can have in Kopilot can be: **Driver**, **Dispatcher** or **Manager**. ---- In **Users list** menu you can::\\ * add a new user by selecting the icon {{:nomenclatures:users:add_user_small_icon.png|}} * search for a user based on name,email or car reg number {{:fuel_module:search2.png|}} * sort the list by name, role, email, phone, status or assigned vehicle.\\ * add & view user files * edit user * associate vehicle * delete user ---- ---- ===== Add user ===== The steps to add a new user are as follows: **Step 1.** \\ **›** Click on the button {{:nomenclatures:users:add_user.png|}} \\ => the **Add User** window will open.\\ **Step 2.** \\ **›** Add the user information in the opened window: Role, Name, Email, Phone, Password & Status.\\ * The username and password added by the dispatcher here for a **DRIVER** are the ones he will use to log in to the mobile application.\\ * Numele utilizatorului si adresa de email trebuie sa fie unice. \\ **Step 3.** \\ **›** Confirm the data by selecting the button {{:nomenclatures:users:add_user.png|}}\\ * The successful addition of a new user is confirmed by the message: "The user has been added successfully". ---- ===== Edit user ===== Modify login data and user information: Role, Name, Email, Phone, Password & Status by selecting the icon: {{:ro:nomenclatures:users:editeaza_utilizator.png|}} ---- ===== Associate vehicle ===== Choose from the drop-down list of all the vehicles in the fleet, the one you want to associate with the user.\\ The vehicle-driver association is mandatory before adding a route.\\ {{:ro:nomenclatures:users:aso.png|}} ---- ===== Delete user ===== By selecting the icon, the selected users will be permanently removed.\\ {{:ro:nomenclatures:users:stergere_user.png|}}