====== Factura ====== Pentru fiecare comanda finalizata exista posibilitatea emiterii unei facturi pentru livrarea bunurilor/serviciilor care au facut obiectul transportului. Pagina **Facturi** conține lista facturilor emise si permite dispeceratului sa caute, sa vizualizeze si sa descarce facturile de la toti partenerii din cadrul companiei sale. Dispecerul are posibilitatea de a: * Cauta si sorta facturile dupa status; * Vizualiza detaliile facturii cum sunt: numar factura, nume client si valoare; * Vedea suma totala restanta si numarul de zile de intarziere; * {{:ro:descarca_factura.png|}} Descarca factura * {{:ro:factura_incasata.png|}} Schimba statusul in Incasata * {{:ro:storneaza_factura.png|}} Storna factura __**The conditions under which an invoice can be issued are::**__ - The ride/order must be **Completed** by the driver and set to **Delivered** status by the dispatcher. - Partner's details should be added to Kopilot: CUI, number, address, zip code. Trade Register.CUI, name, address, No. Trade Register. - Partner's bank account must also be added in Kopilot. If it has more than one, it must be set which one is the main one. :!: If they were not added from the beginning when it was created, this information can be added or modified later in the **Edit Partner** section of [[nomenclatoare:parteneri:lista_parteneri|]] \\ :!: Completing an order is done by the dispatcher in the Rides Menu - submenu[[curse:lista_comenzi|]] \\ :!: A race is considered Finished when the driver has covered / checked in his mobile application all the points on the route indicated in the command received from the dispatcher.