Table of Contents

Users list

Users list is the menu where you find all active and inactive users listed.
The role that a user can have in Kopilot can be: Driver, Dispatcher or Manager.

In Users list menu you can::

Add user

The steps to add a new user are as follows:

Step 1.
Click on the button
⇒ the Add User window will open.

Step 2.
Add the user information in the opened window: Role, Name, Email, Phone, Password & Status.

Step 3.
Confirm the data by selecting the button

Edit user

Modify login data and user information: Role, Name, Email, Phone, Password & Status by selecting the icon:

Associate vehicle

Choose from the drop-down list of all the vehicles in the fleet, the one you want to associate with the user.
The vehicle-driver association is mandatory before adding a route.

Delete user

By selecting the icon, the selected users will be permanently removed.