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Add Route

KOPILOT ROUTES is a feature specially designed to give the fleet manager the ability to configure routes between two or more locations and request Fuel Plans for assigned routes.

Fuel Plan automatically calculates the transportation costs for fuel and road taxes for each car, starting from the vehicle's characteristics.

KOPILOT ROUTES offers the dispatcher::

  • Location of fuel stations with the lowest price along the route..
  • Calculation of the quantities that must be refueled at each station based on the current day's fuel prices.
  • Control over the route.
  • Saving time that could be consumed with other tasks.
  • Help for new, inexperienced drivers who often deviate from their routes.

📌 How to add a route in Kopilot.

Steps to add a route

Step 1.
In Fuel Plan menu select Add route.
⇒ a new window Add route will open

Step 2.
Add route name in the field “Route name”.
The driver will see the routes in the mobile application by the name added here.

Step 3.
Add the waypoints on the route in one of the 3 ways:
⇒ add the address manually
⇒ add GPS coordinates
directly on the map touch the desired point and hold for a few seconds until the address appears as waypoint.

Step 4.
Add “Client” for each waypoint.
As additional information, you can also add the name of the Client from the location where the driver will stop.
⇒ select the field
⇒ add the client's name in the box as in the example below:

Step 5.
Calculate Fueling Plan.
Select to find out the costs of the route
⇒ the Vehicle fueling parameters window will open

Step 6.
Chosse vehicle type.
⇒ you can choose from your vehicles or a test vehicle with default values

Step 7.
Add the transport and vehicle information: Tank capacity (in liters), Minimum Fuel in Tank (in liters),Current fuel in tank (in liters), Average consumption withouth cargo (liters / 100 km),Additional consumption / ton / 100 km (in liters / ton), Truck cargo (in tons)
⇒ select if you also want the toll calculation by choosing one of the two options:

  • Fast toll cost calculate (generic car)
  • Advanced toll cost calculate (specific car)

Step 8.
Alege Calculeaza pentru afisarea rezultatelor.
⇒se va deschide fereastra cu costurile de transport calculate pentru ruta aleasa.

Step 9.
Adauga statiile din plan la traseul soferului soferului.

Planul de alimentare afisat va contine informatii despre:

  • Statiile unde poate realimenta
  • Cantitatea de alimentare
  • Pret alimentare / L
  • Pret total alimentare
  • Total combustibil alimentat
  • Combustibil aproximativ ramas la finalizarea rutei
  • Pret combustibil alimentat
  • Pret combustibil folosit
  • Taxe de drum
  • Cost total ruta
  • Cost Taxe drum: Kopilot calculează costul total de taxare pe vehicul pentru toate tarile prin care va trece acesta (costurile variabile pe autostrăzile cu taxă, prețurile pentru viniete cu taxă și taxele pentru autostrăzi, tuneluri și poduri).
  • Cost Combustibil: pe baza parametrilor specifici vehiculului ales si având în vedere stațiile recomandate adăugate, costurile cu combustibilul sunt estimate în consecință.
  • Total combustibil alimentat: cantitatea de alimentare calculata si necesara pentru efectuarea rutei.
  • Combustibil aproximativ ramas la finalizarea rutei: cantitatea de combustibil care ramane in rezervor la finalizarea rutei.
  • Pret combustibil alimentat: Cantitate alimentare x Pret alimentare / L
  • Pret combustibil folosit: Cantitate alimentare x Pret alimentare / L
  • Cost Total Ruta = Taxe de drum + Pret combustibil folosit

Excludere Tari la calcul ruta

Poti exclude tari din ruta planificata selectand iconita “Configurare parametri harta”.

Pas 1. Adaugi numele rutei.

Pas 2. Adaugi punctele de pe traseu conform pasilor detaliati in Add Route

⇒ in harta Kopilot se va configura ruta optima.

Pas 3. Selectezi iconita “Configurare parametri harta” afisata in coltul stanga al hartii si apoi tara pe care doresti sa o excluzi.

Pas 4. Selectezi “Salvare”.
⇒ a fost configurata o noua ruta al carei traseu va ocoli tara alesa pentru excludere.

fuel_module/add_route.1669473560.txt.gz · Last modified: 2022/11/26 16:39 by florentinagurgu